
This picture does not really mean anything. It is just one of those things when you wake up and you have an urge to create.

On the matter of the quote, I have always thought Mr. Wonka was incredible with all his quirky candies and wacky words, so I decided to put him in some art.


This animal is called a Zimacsed. It lives in a strange country called Pigle-fuff. It has a turtle shell, a sail on its back, a long neck and tail, and very large eyes.

Its eyes are for spotting predators and its shell and whip-like tail are for fighting them off. Also, its sail is supposed to keep it warm. Lastly, they use their necks to bash other creatures who try and enter its territory.

Can you try and draw more creatures of Pigle-fuff?

Mystery Lines

What do these lines make you think about? Railroad tracks? The legs of some strange creature? The bars of an empty prison cell? They make me think of snow falling over the forests (I wish we got more of that where I live). Whatever they make you think of, I hope it is something nice.